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Conosci, Migliora e Comunica la tua Sostenibilità

Our mission

Connecting firms and consumers who want to reduce their footprint through impact assessment and tokenization
What we do

What we do

Know, improve and communicate your sustainability

Knowing your production processes is key to embarking on the path towards reducing your environmental footprint

Discover potential ways to improve the sustainability of your products in the long run and reduce your impact

Reach out to people and potential new customers by communicating your results in a solid and proper way

How we do

How we do it

We follow a robust approach based on
years of research,
scientific coordination and
in-house developed software  
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Who we are

Who we are

The Team

We are a multi-disciplinary group of young professionals, embracing the idea of bringing academic expertise in the field of industrial ecology and energy systems modelling on the market 
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Nicolò Golinucci, PhD
Analyst and CEO

Mohammad Amin Tahavori

Product Manager and R&D Developer

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Francesco Tonini

Analyst and Head of Sales

Lorenzo Rinaldi
Analyst and Head of R&D 

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Enrico Fiori

CFO and Bureaucratic and Legal Matters

Filippo Ravoni
Financial Advisor

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Scientific Advisory Board

We can count on a solid scientific advisory board that supervises our methodology.  
We are an official spin-off of the SESAM research group of Politecnico di Milano 
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Emanuela Colombo, PhD
Full Professor,
Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano

Matteo Vincenzo Rocco, PhD

Associate Professor,

Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano

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